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A - Play with Respect

  1. Treat all players, volunteers, UMPIRES, and fans with respect. 

  2. We are all out here for fun. 

  3. Designated League officials may eject players for unsportsmanlike behavior to include excessive cursing (March 2023). Any occurrence not covered in the rules will be settled by the field monitor and noted for later rule updates.


B - Field/Equipment/Misc.

  1. All games shall be played on the Fall Creek Sports Complex Baseball Fields OR Fall Creek Soccer Fields. Players must adhere to the rules set forth by the Fall Creek Sports Complex.

  2. All games shall be played with an 8.5 inch KICKBALL.

  3. Metal spikes are not allowed.


C - Rosters & Players

  1. Rosters will ideally hold up to 20 players, but may hold more if approved by the league

  2. A maximum of 11 players can be on the field (no more than 7 men).

  3. A catcher is not necessary for a team with less than 8 players.

  4. Teams must have a minimum of 4 players of each gender. If a team does not have four of each gender for a particular game, a “ghost” player shall be written into the batting order and represents an automatic out for each female/male under the minimum. A team having 11 players that is missing a required male/female player must play short on the field by the number of missing players male or female. You must have at least two players of each gender or forfeit completely (unless opposing team captain allows for subs).

  5. We encourage players to register to play as the gender they identify. If gender is not identified, please default to gender on driver's license. (Summer 2023)

  6. Teams with fewer than 7 players shall have a 10 minute grace period before a forfeit is declared. Subs may be used at any time so long as the opposing team is not opposed. Forfeit will be recorded as 3:0 (Summer 2022)

  7. All Teams must submit a kicking line up card to the opposing team before each game. (NEW MARCH 2022)

  8. The batting (kicking) order for each game must remain the same once the game begins. Changes in the order must be communicated and agreed to with the opposing manager. (Winter 2017)

  9. All players (even those not in the field) are eligible to bat (kick). 


D - Games

  1. A regulation game shall consist of 7 innings or APPROXIMATELY 45 minutes. If a game starts late, it shall be played until 5 minutes before the next games starting time. TIME WILL BE OFFICIALLY KEPT AT THE OFFICIAL LEAGUE TABLE. (SUMMER BALL 2023) 

  2. The “away” team shall kick first. The “home” team gets last at kicks if the time limit is near. Home and Away teams are determined by the schedule generator. 

  3. The field monitor may call a game due to time if an inning may not reasonably be completed before the APPROXIMATE 45 minute time limit. The home team will always get last at-kicks if losing. AT THE 40 MINUTE MARK, NOTIFICATION WILL BE GIVEN TO ALL TEAMS. IF THE VISITING TEAM IS KICKING, THEN THE GAME WILL END AFTER THE NEXT HOME TEAM'S AT KICK. IF THE HOME TEAM IS KICKING, THEN ONE FULL INNING WILL BE PLAYED WITH HOME TEAM GETTING LAST 'AT KICKS'. (SUMMER BALL 2019)

  4. A weather impacted game is considered official once 5 full innings or 30 minutes have been completed. 

  5. There will be a run rule in effect (games can end if): 

    1. A team is winning by 15 runs after 3 innings;​

    2. A team is winning by 10 runs after 4 innings;

    3. A team is winning by 8 runs after 5 innings. (Summer 2022)


E - Pitching

  1. League Pitching - A legal pitch must be underhand and rolled. No intentional bounce of the ball will be allowed. Any excessive bounciness to the pitch will be considered a ball.

  2. Fast pitch and curveballs are not allowed. Any pitch deemed by the umpire or league volunteer to be out the context of a casual pitch (speed, curve, or bounce) will result in a warning to the pitcher and a called ball. Continual abuse of the rule will result in a mandatory pitcher change.

  3. The pitcher must pitch from the back rubber (running up to the rubber is not allowed). Once the ball is pitched the pitcher may advance no further 6 feet from the rubber.

  4. Lateral movement from the pitcher in attempting to field a ball in play is allowed

  5. The catcher must give the kicker ample room to kick. (Clarification January 2023)

  6. The catcher may not break the plane of the front of home plate until the ball is kicked and may not interfere with the kicker. They also cannot run up with the kicker as they are kicking (must stay in place and out of the kickers path to the ball). An infraction will result in a called ball or the continuation of the play, depending on advantage to the kicker.

  7. A strike consists of a ball that is rolled over any part of home plate and below knee level regardless if the kicker swings at it or not. Any ball that is kicked into foul territory shall also be considered a strike. 

  8. Two strikes of any kind will result in an out.

  9. A “ball” shall be called on any pitch that does not enter the defined strike zone and pass the home plate. (Clarification January 2023)

  10. In case of rough ground or an elevated home plate that causes consistent excessive bouncing of the ball, the strike zone may be expanded by a ball length on either side of home plate. Both teams must be made aware and agree. (SUMMER 2017)

F - Fielding / Gameplay

  1. All Fielding Players may line up at the "Forbidden Zone," but not cross until the ball is kicked. The Pitcher, may advance to the "Forbidden Zone" once the ball is pitched, but noy advance paas the "Forbidden Zone" until the ball ias kicked. Encroachment in the Forbidden Zone results in a no play with the play resulting as a called ball.

  2. Three called “balls” shall result in the ball being placed on a tee on home-plate, or within two feet from either side of home plate. Infield players cannot advance until the ball is kicked (see fielding rules). Pitchers who repeatedly ‘pitch for the tee’ may be replaced at the discretion of the field monitor.

  3. If the player kicks the ball foul off the tee, it is considered a strike. (EDITED MARCH 2022)

  4. The kicking team has three outs per inning. An out results due to the following:

    1. two strikes

    2. a ball caught on the fly

    3. base runner is forced out

    4. base runner is hit/tagged with ball while not on base (below the chest or on the arms)

    5. See “ghost player” above (in section II Participation & Divisions)

  5. As even the most innocent looking pop ups are potential hits in kickball, there is no infield fly rule.

  6. A foul ball that is caught counts as an out, but is a dead play, meaning runners MAY advance. (EDITED MARCH 2022) 

  7. Any ball kicked may start foul, but if it comes back into fair territory before it reaches the 1st or 3rd base line, while reaching the deemed fair line, will result as a fair ball. (NEW MARCH 2022)

  8. A Foul Ball is any ball that is kicked in the air, but never TOUCHES the ground with first contact is made on the foul side.

  9. A Foul Ball is any ball kicked that touches the ground and travels into foul territory between home and 1st or home and 3rd without coming back into fair territory or being touched before crossing the 1st and 3rd base line.

  10. One base on an overthrow. An overthrow constitutes a ball that is thrown or kicked out of play from within the infield to the intended base or target (past the bench-line or fence, based on field [field monitor will define boundaries]). If a player is past 1⁄2 way to the next base, they are awarded the base they are on the way to plus one on the overthrow. A ball thrown past the base that remains in the set boundaries remains a live ball and runners may advance at their own risk.

  11. Any ball thrown or kicked from the outfield is a live ball unless the ball reaches the bench area or a non-player touches the ball. At which point the ball is considered a dead ball and play would be treated like the overthrow rule.

  12. Any ball thrown/kicked and hitting a runner is considered a live ball even if the ball goes out beyond the set boundaries.

  13. Teams may only rotate in a new catcher once per inning. Once the catcher switches with the initial catcher, he/she must remain there for the remainder of the inning and cannot switch back. No sub restrictions on other positions.

  14. There is no “Timeout” in kickball... However, if all runners’ gait has been stopped (no shuffling) while any defender has possession of the ball inside the baselines then it is deemed a “Deadball” situation. Runners will be asked to go back to the base they were previously at if the deadball happened before they continued to the next base. However, if fielders make a play on runners, play continues.

  15. Players not in play (on 'the bench' or in 'the dugout') may not involve themselves in any active plays. If the batting teams 'bench' players involve themselves in an active play, the lead runner will be called out. If the field teams 'bench' players involve themselves in an active play, then the lead runner will be awarded an extra base. (SUMMER 2017)

  16. Field players that intentionally try to 'double catch' fly balls or alter the path of a ball in the air so as to influence a runner's decision will be called for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. All base runners in motion will be awarded their next base including home plate. If the field player continues their actions, they will be ejected from the game ... and possibly made to dance the 90's version of the 'Running Man' before they exit. (NEW FOR WINTER BALL 2018) 

  17. Bobble Rule - runners may advance at their own risk once the ball is initially touched in the air by the defender, but the runner MUST be on the base to advance. If the runner is not on the base, they MUST first retrieve to said base before they can advance. (NEW MARCH 2022)

  18. No more than 7 players on the fielding team may be inside the outfield grass line, within 15 feet of the base paths. This includes the pitcher and catcher. (NEW MARCH 2022)


G - Kicking/Base Running

  1. Kick Line - The kicker’s planted foot must be behind or on the designated line when the ball is kicked to be considered a fair kick. (Clarified January 2023)

  2. If the kicker's planted foot is completely over the designated kick line the play results in a strike. (Clarified January 2023)

    • The play is immediately considered a dead ball and awarded strike 1. 

    • If the kicker already has one strike, it's a dead ball, and the result is strike 2, the kicker is out. 

  3. Bunting - Any ball kicked that does not make it to the "KICK LINE"  or "FORBINNED LINE," will be deemed a Fair Ball. If a fielding player chooses to make a play or touches the ball while in motion will be considered a LIVE BALL.

  4. Any kicked ball that make it to the KICK LINE will be considered a FAIR BALL.

  5. Runners must stay in the base path. Fielders impeding the runners’ path to the base shall result in the runner being awarded the base.

  6. Leading off and stealing are not allowed: 1st offense = Warning & 2nd offense = Team Out. (NEW FOR MARCH 2022)

  7. Sliding is legal. Please do so with caution (keeping fielders & yourself in mind)

  8. Balls thrown at the baserunner must be below the chest or on the arms. 

  9. Any head shot incurred while the runner is in an upright running position results in advancement to the base they were running to. 

  10. Any intentional hitting of the ball with the head by a runner will result in an out. 

  11. A head shot results in a deadball, meaning runners may no longer advance unless more than half way to the next base which they are then awarded.

  12. If a ball hits the kicker or base runner in fair territory after being kicked, said person shall be called out. 

  13. Intentionally kicking the ball by the kicker or baserunner while the ball is in play results in a dead ball (and the runner being called out).

  14. Pinch runners are allowed for injured players only. Injured kickers may have a “pinch runner” standing with them at the plate. Once the ball is kicked the “pinch runner” may advance.

  15. Each player can only stand in as a pinch runner one time per inning, and the pinch runner must be of the same gender as the player they are standing in for. Injury exceptions may apply if both teams agree at the time of pinch running. 

  16. Runs crossing the home plate before a third out made by touching the base do not count. Runs that cross before a tag out on a player do count.

H - Remember, Have Fun, and Play with Respect!!


A super huge thanks to Nicholas Urbano for starting the Fall Creek Kickball League 

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